RECIPE: Baking for Lent & Egg Substitutes

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Image: accessed 3/10/25

Last Wednesday, March 5, was Ash Wednesday, which is recognized by Christians as the beginning of Lent. If you have given up sweets for Lent, I am including the link to my recipe for Baked Oatmeal which uses only bananas, dried fruit, and spices for sweetening. Spreading the oatmeal bars with peanut butter can create a delicious no-sugar treat. These days, with the price of eggs, using an egg substitute may also be needed. My recipe recommends using mayonnaise. That condiment is made of whipped eggs and oil, with a little vinegar. The vinegar is not detectable when used in baking. However, since mayonnaise contains eggs, you may find that the price of that commodity is also increasing. Other egg substitutes are featured in today's post. The chart above is a quick reference. If you want more information, you can go to the site using this link: 

Here is the link to my previous post for Baked Oatmeal:

Banana Baked Oatmeal

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Change Website to Contact Elected Officials

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

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Change Website to Contact Elected Officials by Gail K. Kachnycz 4 March 2025

     I recently wanted to express my concerns to my Federal Elected Officials (President, US Senators from PA, US Representative). I went to the website I recommended after the November elections, and learned that this website was shutting down at the end of March. Included in this announcement were recommendations of three other sites that would provide contact information for elected officials. I checked them out, and found that each wanted me to sign up to receive newsletters or updates in order to proceed to the screen that would allow me to search for the contact information I wanted. If you want to receive that type of political information, you can check for the sites they recommend here: MyReps Website 

     However, like Joe Friday, I want "Just the facts, Ma'am." After searching and clicking, searching and clicking, I finally happened upon the government website link for contacting elected officials (Federal, State, and Local). The information can be accessed by entering only your street address. Once you are on the website of the elected official, your street address is required (to confirm that you are indeed a constituent) but you can usually skip the email or phone, or select that you do NOT want newsletters or updates. The link is included below. I hope this is helpful.

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Adaptive Renovations

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

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Image: Logo for Institute on Disabilities at Temple University

ADAPTIVE RENOVATIONS by Gail K. Kachnycz 26 February 2025

     One project in our house renovation is to adapt a bathroom with an accessible shower for Mike. In our case, it will mean opening the wall of the current half-bath to extend about two feet into our garage. In some cases, adapting a bathroom will not require such major changes. It could mean a tub to shower conversion with non-slip surfaces, and adding grab bars and a hand-held shower head.

     Construction can be expensive. However, there are programs that provide financial help or other assistance. A friend had her bathroom renovated to include adaptive and safety features. The project was done for free, but she had to apply and qualify, and then once she was approved, she waited two years. A picture of the finished bathroom and the contact information for the city office to apply are below.

This renovation was done in 2023.

Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation, 1234 Market Street, Philadelphia PA 19107


     Temple University in Philadelphia has an Institute on Disabilities that is hosting a summit on technology and adaptive products. It is taking place Thursday March 6. A similar program is taking place in the Pittsburgh area March 13. As of this week, registration is now full. However, the department is a permanent presence in the university and another seminar may take place in the future. I am including the link below so you have an idea of the content. There is an option to be added to the institute's mail list, and be notified of the next summit. You may also contact the Institute to see if they have information that would be helpful to your specific situation. The link to be added to the mail list is at the very bottom of the notice, and also listed separately in this post.

PA Technology Summit

Temple Institute on Disabilities Mail List

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Recipe: Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Thursday, February 20, 2025

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Image: Roasted Sweet Potatoes by Gail K. Kachnycz 1/8/2025

     Winter is a great time for roasted veggies. These sweet potatoes were served to me during a visit to my son and he gave me the recipe. The seasoning complements the natural sweetness of the potato, and cutting to cubes means uniform cooking of a notoriously oddly shaped food. Super easy and delicious!


Sweet potatoes

Olive oil

Seasoning (I like to use garlic salt)


Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F

Wash sweet potatoes but leave skin on. Cut sweet potatoes into half-inch cubes. Toss in olive oil & seasoning. Place in a single layer on a baking dish (I put parchment paper in mine). Bake for 12-15 minutes, stir or flip the pieces over, bake for 12-15 more minutes or until fork tender. Bon Appetit!

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Going Off the Grid

Thursday, February 13, 2025

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Image: Snowy Lamp Post by Gail K. Kachnycz 11 February 2025


     Hello to the Subscribers and Readers of A Map Through The Valley. Thank you so much for reading and sharing this blog with caregivers and those with chronic illness. Starting today, I am stepping back a bit from writing new blog posts. Mike and I are preparing for long overdue repairs to the house. While we are at it, we are planning a renovation to a bathroom to make it more accessible and include a shower. This is taking a lot of mental energy to plan and physical energy to sort and pack to allow access for construction. Although the house project is quite disruptive now, I am trying to focus on the benefit and blessing it will be when finished. 

     While all this is going on, I will publish more recipes and resource information. There may be some "Throwback Thursdays" and "Foundation Fridays" when posts published in the past will be featured. Thanks again for your interest in the blog and your support to me. Gail K.

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Throwback Thursday: The Running Game

Thursday, February 6, 2025

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Photo Credit: CBS News, Heisman Trophy


     In honor of the Super Bowl I am publishing a reprise of the post, "The Running Game." It is a good reminder that we need to run the plays that the quarterback calls, and we are on the winning team.


By Gail K. Kachnycz; 09 February 2022

     What I know about football would fit in a fortune cookie: a touchdown is worth six points; then they can kick for an extra one point. For me, down is what makes a comforter puffy, and a turnover is a pastry filled with apples, sugar and spice. If this parable bears any resemblance to actual football, it is certainly a revelation of knowledge from the Lord, with some advice from my friend Dan, a graduate of Penn State where the fans dress in white.

     Another friend who read this essay, and knows much more about football than I do, commented, "Jesus can't both be the quarterback and intercept the pass." All I know is, when Jesus is on the team, He can do whatever He wants!


     God and the devil were meeting for a football game. On the devil’s team were all the demons, the third of the angels that rebelled against God. The devil says to God, “You have twice as many angels as I have, that’s not fair!”

     God replies, “First of all, look who’s complaining about being unfair. Second, my angels are not the players, they are the spectators. My players are the humans.”

     The devil thinks, “Winning will be a piece of cake! Humans are so weak!”

     The angels, all dressed in gleaming white, fill up the stands.

     The teams each emerge from their locker rooms and run onto the field. The last player to come onto the field for the human team is their quarterback, Jesus.

     The devil complains, “That’s not fair! Jesus is God’s Son, He is divine!”

     God replies, “First of all, look who’s complaining about being unfair. Second, Jesus is fully human, and He belongs on the team. But, just to show good sportsmanship, you can look at our playbook, the Bible, any time.”

     The devil looks at the playbook. Every play is a running game; there are no plans for passing the ball. There is no Hail Mary Pass to be seen. The devil returns to his team and says, “If we can just confuse the humans and get them to doubt that the Quarterback is calling the right plays, we can win this game.”

     The teams line up and play begins. Every time one of the humans says, “I trust Jesus,” a demon gets crushed and the human team gains ground toward their end zone. This happens time after time. The devil tries to throw a pass, but it is always intercepted by Jesus and the human team gains possession of the ball. The angels in the stands go wild and wave their towels like crazy. At half time, the score is a zillion to zip in favor of Jesus’s team.

     During half time, the devil gives his team a pep talk. “We can do this,” he says, “Let’s try a double fake-out like sickness and job loss all at once.” “How about a fire or a hurricane?” one demon pipes up. “Good thinking,” says the devil, “let’s go for it.”

      So, the game resumes. Are we in the third quarter? Some people think we may be in the fourth quarter or even at the two minute warning. All I know is: I need to suit up, put on my helmet, and follow through on whatever plays that Quarterback Jesus calls. A running game is not glamorous; no adrenaline rush as a player leaps for a catch and does a victory dance. A running game is gritty, some may even say plodding. But, play by play, yard by yard, it gets the job done. And, every time we say, “I trust Jesus,” another demon gets crushed and we gain ground towards our goal.

Some pages from the Playbook:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12 KJV

It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves, but you in these things which now have been announced to you through those who preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven—things into which angels long to look.

1 Peter 1:12 NASB 

Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Ephesians 6:13-17 

As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good

Genesis 50:20 ESV 

Romans 8, the whole chapter, but especially vs 37-39

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.




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Mike's Testimony of Healing: Background

Saturday, February 1, 2025

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Image: Mike & Gail Christmas Eve 2024

Mike's Testimony of Healing: Background by Gail K. Kachnycz 1 February 2025

     The testimony of healing that Mike shared in church 1/5/2025 is a message of God’s faithfulness and healing power. There is also a “story behind the story,” one of God moving in both miraculous and mundane ways. Pulling back the curtain on these events will also reveal God’s faithfulness.

     As we describe in the  About Us section of the website, Mike’s hospice services were discontinued in July 2021. At the time, he had survived 30 months beyond his initial admission to hospice, but his health and medical condition had not improved. Three levels of appeal to reinstate hospice were all denied. Fortunately, Mike had continued under the care of his Primary Care Physician (PCP) even during hospice. She referred him for another assessment for hospice care in June 2022. This additional assessment did not result to reinstatement of hospice services.

     Since hospice care was no longer an option, Mike was seen in the office of his PCP in August 2022. When it was time for his six month follow-up in February 2023, he learned that his PCP had left the practice group. Office staff would not give further information regarding her current medical practice. Because his medical condition is so complicated, Mike wanted to continue under the care of a doctor who knew him well, rather than just transfer to a new provider. Mike searched the internet to find his PCP, but was not successful. His medication refills would last until August 2023, but he felt his symptoms were worsening. We both reached a low point regarding Mike’s health. After I returned from a retreat weekend March 2023, we sensed the Lord directing us to set up Prayer Circles for support. Over the course of a year, from March 2023 to March 2024, we sent out praise/prayer updates to our prayer supporters. The smaller prayer groups received updates about every week, while the wider church fellowship was informed less frequently.

     Mike’s medication supply was due to run out August 2023. I learned later that he was rationing his pills, taking doses less frequently than prescribed. By March 2024 Mike had been without medical supervision for 18 months. Care by a PCP became more and more urgent. Mike continued to search the internet. He found a different doctor who had treated him in the past and made an appointment, but when he arrived at that office, the staff had no knowledge of her. It was as if she had disappeared into the Twilight Zone. My request to the prayer supporters March 9, 2024 asked for success in locating this doctor, “Or, just pray that the Lord will do something totally different to get Mike connected to a PCP. Thanks!” Our pastor received that prayer request and called me, suggesting that I be in touch with a physician in our congregation and ask if she had any connections to this doctor in her professional network. I did reach out to the physician at our church. She immediately checked her contacts, sent a few texts, and the very next day Mike had an appointment to be seen within a month.  During April 2024 he connected with his former PCP, who had established her own private practice (this explained the disappearance from internet searches). He was also certified for pain management. His PCP referred him to Cardiology. Since Mike was new to the Cardiology practice, the doctor ordered diagnostic tests to determine his current cardiac status. This evaluation in the spring of 2024 documented his improved heart health. However, as he said in his testimony, Mike didn’t really accept it until he discussed with the doctor in fall 2024.

     I share these details to point out a few unseen elements of Mike’s healing:

1. Prayer support is essential. I jokingly shared at our women’s retreat that Mike was discharged from hospice because “there was no diagnosis code for ‘sustained by the prayers of the saints and the grace of God.’” In the journey of chronic illness, both sustained prayer and urgent prayer will be needed. Having the Prayer Circles in place means prayer support is ready at all times. Please see the post on Prayer Circles for information on how to get this network in place.

2. Pray specifically, but also pray that God would do something new or different. The answer may be totally out of the box. Divine healing does not follow a formula. It may be immediate or gradual, miraculous or by medical means. OR, it may not be “either/or” at all. It may be something unexpected.

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.

Isaiah 55:8 NKJV

Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?

Isaiah 43:19a NKJV 

3. During your journey of chronic illness and care-giving, you are a Medical Missionary. Mike was definitely healed by God’s sovereign touch; he had no formal medical care from 8/2022 to 4/2024, and his medication supply was dwindling. However, God also orchestrated reconnecting Mike to the health care system through our pastor’s suggestion to reach out to the physician in our church. Her professional network provided contact information for Mike’s PCP. The referral to Cardiology resulted in the diagnostic testing that documented the healing and improvement in cardiac status, so much so that the Cardiologist was open to the idea of Divine Healing.

     In summary, surround yourself with prayer supporters. Continue to trust God for your loved one and yourself. God is faithful. Be open for His answer to be unconventional. While you are waiting for the answer, your faith journey is a witness to others, even those in the health care field.

Ask [and keep on asking], and it will be given to you;

Seek [and keep on seeking], and you will find;

Knock [and keep on knocking], and it will be opened to you.

For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8 NKJV         

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Mike's Testimony of Healing

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

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Mike Kachnycz: Testimony of Healing 1/5/2025

     Earlier in the month, on January 5, 2025, Mike came to church to share a testimony of God's faithfulness and grace to him. He experienced significant improvement in his health during 2024. He still needs medication to treat his medical conditions, extra oxygen due to his compromised lungs, and a cane to assist with walking. However, when you were told you had only six months to live, and are still here six years later, that is amazing! Next week I will share more of the background to Mike's story.

Video of Mike's Testimony

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A Person's A Person, No Matter "What"

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

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Image: book cover, "Horton Hears A Who!" by Dr. Seuss 
A Person's A Person No Matter What by Gail K. Kachnycz January 15, 2025

     "Sanctity of Human Life Sunday" will be celebrated in many churches on January 19 this year. The event was a response to the Roe v. Wade decision January 22, 1973, which legalized abortion nation-wide in the United States. The Supreme Court decision was revisited and overturned June 24, 2022. However, the need to recognize that each individual is made in the image of God, and to to protect the most vulnerable, is still a challenge.

     Theodore Geisel, AKA "Dr. Seuss," published the book, "Horton Hears A Who!" in 1954, well before Roe v. Wade. However, the theme of the story, "A person's a person, no matter how small," applies to the pro-life cause. In the book, Horton hears a small voice emanating from a dust speck. He believes that there are tiny people living there, worthy of protection. Others, who see and hear nothing, deride Horton and actually try to destroy the speck. But, Horton perseveres, stating, "A person's a person, no matter how small." In the end, he is able to show that the tiny "Who People" really do exist, and those who previously bullied him now join in protecting the tiny population.

     Unborn babies are not the only ones who need advocacy. A woman who views her pregnancy as a crisis also needs help. A person's a person, no matter if we agree with them or not. A person's a person, even if they are not physically complete or strong. A person's a person, no matter if they have mental limitations, or their memory is fading, or they have mental illness. Being a caregiver for the whole person: heart, soul, mind, strength, is difficult. From time to time, we need reminders to recognize the Divine Image in each person, and encouragement to continue the caregiving journey. Our Father God esteems each person as precious, both the one in need, and the caregiver. 

And let us not be weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27 

"And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these." Mark 12:30-31 NKJV

My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! Psalm 139: 15-17 NKJV

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Resolution: Get Organized!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

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Image: 10 Top Resolutions from

RESOLUTION: GET ORGANIZED! By Gail K. Kachnycz on 1 January 2025

     Did you think about New Year Resolutions as 2025 began? "Get Organized" is one of the top ten resolutions. However, a vague notion rarely translates into action. The topic of this post is one that is often avoided: End-of-Life Planning. Our lives are busy, especially if we are caring for others. Writing a Will, documenting instructions for a Medical Proxy, or pre-planning a funeral are the last things we want to do. But, if we make time and invest the effort when we are not in a crisis situation, things will be easier "when the time comes." 

     My mother passed away unexpectedly due to injuries sustained in a car crash. I was both her Medical Proxy and her Executrix. She was just about to begin a vacation trip, so she had shown me her will and other important papers. However, the document I had was only a carbon copy of the will. The original was filed in New Jersey, and my mother had moved to Pennsylvania. To make matters worse, the law firm in New Jersey had closed. According to the courts in Philadelphia, my mother had died "intestate," that is, without a will. I could use the copy of the will as an indication of her wishes, but it took extra time and effort to divide the estate as she wanted, rather than just equal portions to each of her children as the court would have done. This illustrates the need to review and update the information on a regular basis. New Year Resolution time might be a good reminder.

     I see three topics related to End-of-Life planning, but there may be more. One is being a Medical Proxy (which is different from Power of Attorney, POA). Another is preparing for a death and funeral on a practical level. Last is settling the estate. The legal term is probating the will. Today's post will give resources for organizing the estate (finances and property). 

      On April 10, 2024 Jean Kirkley was featured as the CEO/Facilitator of Boomers R Heroes. One of the resources on her website is the "Blue Suitcase Drill." Kathy & Charles Sutton share their story and give information on how to set up instructions for the family to follow. Here is the link:

Blue Suitcase Drill

     A commercial product is Nokbox, that is, "Next Of Kin" Box. A filing system which lists every aspect of settling the estate is offered with various options: "Lite," "Fireproof Box," etc. I have not used this yet myself, but it includes information that I would not have thought of to address. This might be good if you know you are a procrastinator, or organization is not your strong suite.

     As always, I hope this is helpful.

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Subscriber Update, Happy New Year!

Thursday, January 2, 2025

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HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 to subscribers and readers of A Map Through The Valley.

     New posts will resume next week. However, I wanted to take the opportunity before then to get some housekeeping done and update the Subscriber list. Please take a look at the email that notified you of this blog post. You should see one of two logos at the end of the email.

If you see the logo from INTUIT with the cute little chimp in the cap, you are on my current subscriber list and do not need to do anything.
If you see the logo from "" that means you were one of the first subscribers when the blog went live in Fall 2023. Thanks for being an eager beaver and supporting me early on. However, I am no longer using "" for my subscriber contact list. I discovered that their service attached annoying adds to the email and blog post. Some of the adds were actually not in alignment with my mission statement. What should you do?
     1. You should "unsubscribe" from the "" email service. In their disclaimer statement, there is a sentence, "To unsubscribe from the feed, click here." Click the link in your email to unsubscribe.
     2. You will need to subscribe to the blog again. There are two ways to do this:
A. Go to the home page of the blog and subscribe using the current "subscribe" feature which is Intuit/Mailchimp.
B. Send me an email or use the Contact feature on the home page, include your email, and I will manually add you to the Intuit/Mailchimp Subscriber List.

    As a newbie blogger, I got started on the wrong foot and needed to backtrack and start over. I apologize for any confusion. Thank you for your patience. Especially for those who need to change to the Mailchimp subscriber service, thank you for making that effort. We can all start the New Year together. Blessings! Gail K.  

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