Subscriber Update, Happy New Year!

Thursday, January 2, 2025


HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 to subscribers and readers of A Map Through The Valley.

     New posts will resume next week. However, I wanted to take the opportunity before then to get some housekeeping done and update the Subscriber list. Please take a look at the email that notified you of this blog post. You should see one of two logos at the end of the email.

If you see the logo from INTUIT with the cute little chimp in the cap, you are on my current subscriber list and do not need to do anything.
If you see the logo from "" that means you were one of the first subscribers when the blog went live in Fall 2023. Thanks for being an eager beaver and supporting me early on. However, I am no longer using "" for my subscriber contact list. I discovered that their service attached annoying adds to the email and blog post. Some of the adds were actually not in alignment with my mission statement. What should you do?
     1. You should "unsubscribe" from the "" email service. In their disclaimer statement, there is a sentence, "To unsubscribe from the feed, click here." Click the link in your email to unsubscribe.
     2. You will need to subscribe to the blog again. There are two ways to do this:
A. Go to the home page of the blog and subscribe using the current "subscribe" feature which is Intuit/Mailchimp.
B. Send me an email or use the Contact feature on the home page, include your email, and I will manually add you to the Intuit/Mailchimp Subscriber List.

    As a newbie blogger, I got started on the wrong foot and needed to backtrack and start over. I apologize for any confusion. Thank you for your patience. Especially for those who need to change to the Mailchimp subscriber service, thank you for making that effort. We can all start the New Year together. Blessings! Gail K.  

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