Change Website to Contact Elected Officials

Wednesday, March 5, 2025



Change Website to Contact Elected Officials by Gail K. Kachnycz 4 March 2025

     I recently wanted to express my concerns to my Federal Elected Officials (President, US Senators from PA, US Representative). I went to the website I recommended after the November elections, and learned that this website was shutting down at the end of March. Included in this announcement were recommendations of three other sites that would provide contact information for elected officials. I checked them out, and found that each wanted me to sign up to receive newsletters or updates in order to proceed to the screen that would allow me to search for the contact information I wanted. If you want to receive that type of political information, you can check for the sites they recommend here: MyReps Website 

     However, like Joe Friday, I want "Just the facts, Ma'am." After searching and clicking, searching and clicking, I finally happened upon the government website link for contacting elected officials (Federal, State, and Local). The information can be accessed by entering only your street address. Once you are on the website of the elected official, your street address is required (to confirm that you are indeed a constituent) but you can usually skip the email or phone, or select that you do NOT want newsletters or updates. The link is included below. I hope this is helpful.

1 comment:

  1. That's VERY helpful! Thanks for doing all that legwork. I wouldn't know where to begin or what I was looking at ;-)
