Image: Mike & Gail Christmas Eve 2024
Mike's Testimony of Healing: Background by Gail K. Kachnycz 1 February 2025
The testimony of
healing that Mike shared in church 1/5/2025 is a message of God’s faithfulness
and healing power. There is also a “story behind the story,” one of God moving
in both miraculous and mundane ways. Pulling back the curtain on these events
will also reveal God’s faithfulness.
As we describe in
the About Us section of the website, Mike’s hospice services were
discontinued in July 2021. At the time, he had survived 30 months beyond his
initial admission to hospice, but his health and medical condition had not improved.
Three levels of appeal to reinstate hospice were all denied. Fortunately, Mike
had continued under the care of his Primary Care Physician (PCP) even during
hospice. She referred him for another assessment for hospice care in June 2022.
This additional assessment did not result to reinstatement of hospice services.
Since hospice
care was no longer an option, Mike was seen in the office of his PCP in August
2022. When it was time for his six month follow-up in February 2023, he learned
that his PCP had left the practice group. Office staff would not give further
information regarding her current medical practice. Because his medical
condition is so complicated, Mike wanted to continue under the care of a doctor
who knew him well, rather than just transfer to a new provider. Mike searched
the internet to find his PCP, but was not successful. His medication refills
would last until August 2023, but he felt his symptoms were worsening. We both
reached a low point regarding Mike’s health. After I returned from a retreat
weekend March 2023, we sensed the Lord directing us to set up Prayer Circles
for support. Over the course of a year, from March 2023 to March 2024, we sent
out praise/prayer updates to our prayer supporters. The smaller prayer groups
received updates about every week, while the wider church fellowship was
informed less frequently.
Mike’s medication
supply was due to run out August 2023. I learned later that he was rationing
his pills, taking doses less frequently than prescribed. By March 2024 Mike had
been without medical supervision for 18 months. Care by a PCP became more and
more urgent. Mike continued to search the internet. He found a different doctor
who had treated him in the past and made an appointment, but when he arrived at
that office, the staff had no knowledge of her. It was as if she had
disappeared into the Twilight Zone. My request to the prayer supporters March
9, 2024 asked for success in locating this doctor, “Or, just pray that the Lord will do something totally different to get
Mike connected to a PCP. Thanks!” Our pastor received that prayer request
and called me, suggesting that I be in touch with a physician in our
congregation and ask if she had any connections to this doctor in her
professional network. I did reach out to the physician at our church. She
immediately checked her contacts, sent a few texts, and the very next day Mike had
an appointment to be seen within a month.
During April 2024 he connected with his former PCP, who had established
her own private practice (this explained the disappearance from internet
searches). He was also certified for pain management. His PCP referred him to
Cardiology. Since Mike was new to the Cardiology practice, the doctor ordered diagnostic
tests to determine his current cardiac status. This evaluation in the spring of
2024 documented his improved heart health. However, as he said in his
testimony, Mike didn’t really accept it until he discussed with the doctor in
fall 2024.
I share these
details to point out a few unseen elements of Mike’s healing:
1. Prayer support is essential. I jokingly shared at
our women’s retreat that Mike was discharged from hospice because “there was no
diagnosis code for ‘sustained by the prayers of the saints and the grace of
God.’” In the journey of chronic illness, both sustained prayer and urgent
prayer will be needed. Having the Prayer Circles in place means prayer support
is ready at all times. Please see the post on Prayer Circles for information on
how to get this network in place.
2. Pray specifically, but also pray that God would do
something new or different. The answer may be totally out of the box. Divine
healing does not follow a formula. It may be immediate or gradual, miraculous
or by medical means. OR, it may not be “either/or” at all. It may be something
“For My thoughts are
not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.
Isaiah 55:8 NKJV
Behold, I will do a
new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?
Isaiah 43:19a NKJV
3. During your journey of chronic illness and
care-giving, you are a Medical Missionary. Mike was definitely healed by
God’s sovereign touch; he had no formal medical care from 8/2022 to 4/2024, and
his medication supply was dwindling. However, God also orchestrated
reconnecting Mike to the health care system through our pastor’s suggestion to
reach out to the physician in our church. Her professional network provided
contact information for Mike’s PCP. The referral to Cardiology resulted in the
diagnostic testing that documented the healing and improvement in cardiac
status, so much so that the Cardiologist was open to the idea of Divine
In summary,
surround yourself with prayer supporters. Continue to trust God for your loved
one and yourself. God is faithful. Be open for His answer to be unconventional.
While you are waiting for the answer, your faith journey is a witness to
others, even those in the health care field.
“Ask [and keep on asking],
and it will be given to you;
Seek [and keep on
seeking], and you will find;
Knock [and keep on
knocking], and it will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks
receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”
Matthew 7:7-8 NKJV
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