Wednesday, December 18, 2024

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Image: Red Poinsettia 7 December 2024; Gail K. Kachnycz


Merry Christmas to all subscribers and readers of A Map Through The Valley! Christmas Day and New Year's Day both fall on Wednesdays this time. I am taking a Christmas Break from publishing on the blog until after the first of the year. Meanwhile, I will share Christmas Carols that I hope will direct your focus toward the birth of our Savior during Advent. These same carols were shared in December 2023, but the traditions of the season are familiar and welcome. Enjoy.

You can search for the full carols, with all stanzas, which are rich in references to scriptures that prophesy the coming of the Messiah or describe the events surrounding His birth. Those who are particularly savvy will be able to download and play the songs.

Theme #1: HOPE

12/03 That Beautiful Name

12/04 O Come, O Come Emmanuel**

12/05 Once in David’s Royal City

12/06 Angels from the Realms of Glory**

12/07 Go, Tell It on the Mountain!


Theme #2: PEACE

12/08 O Holy Night

12/09 O Little Town of Bethlehem**

12/10 It Came Upon a Midnight Clear***

12/11What Child Is This?

12/12 Away in a Manger


Theme #3 JOY

12/13 God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen

12/14 O Come, All Ye Faithful

12/15 Hark, the Herald Angels Sing***

12/16 Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee

12/17 Joy to the World!***

12/18 Children, Go Where I send Thee


Theme #4 LOVE

12/19 We Three Kings

12/20 The First Noel

12/21 While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks**

12/22 Angels We Have Heard on High

12/23 Silent Night, Holy Night**


** The story behind this Carol is described in the book

101 Hymn Stories, by Kenneth W. Osbeck, Kregel Publications Copyright 1982, 2012

*** The story behind this Carol is described in the book

101 More Hymn Stories, by Kenneth W. Osbeck, Kregel Publications Copyright 1985, 2013 

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Wednesday, December 11, 2024

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Image: Geo-graphics Letterhead

MY FIRST CHRISTMAS IN HEAVEN          Shared by Gail K. Kachnycz 18 December 2024

     Twenty-five years ago, my mother passed away on December 7, only a few weeks before Christmas. At that time, a friend (J. Lynne for those of you who know her) sent me a poem, "My First Christmas in Heaven." It ministered to me at the time, and over the years, I have sent it to people who had experienced the death of a loved one. Perhaps someone you cared for was taken home by the Lord this year. I hope this poem with minister to you.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 2 Corinthians 1: 3-4

     If you would like a copy, reply to me by text or use the email that notified you about this post. I will send you an email with an attachment suitable to print.

     I pray that during Advent, you will experience Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.

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Wednesday, December 4, 2024

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Image: Charlie Brown Christmas; Apple TV+ Accessed 12/2/2024

CHRISTMAS IN. . .DECEMBER!          By Gail K. Kachnycz 2 December 2024

     Back in July, Christmas seemed ages away. Now, it is only three weeks away! Hopefully, like Charlie Brown, we can look past the commercial aspects and find traditions that are meaningful for us. Use the strategies from the post, Christmas in July, to reduce stress. In that post, I explained that Christmas music and some of the special programs, like A Charlie Brown Christmas, are seasonal activities I enjoy. Here's how to find my favorite movies and music:

A Charlie Brown Christmas

Apple TV+ FREE on Saturday 12/14/24 and Sunday 12/15/24

or, stream free using a free trial period offer

It's A Wonderful Life:

E! Sunday, December 8 at 11 AM, 2 PM, 5 PM, and 8 PM

NBC Broadcast on Tuesday, December 24 at 7 PM (I plan to record it)

WHYY has two Christmas concerts on Sunday 12/22/24

12 noon Classic Christmas with the Bach Festival Society: Joyful Sounds

2 PM Christmas at Westminster: An Evening of Readings and Carols

WHYY has other Christmas themed programming, check the TV schedule (choose "week")

Scroll down to find "Here's how to find WHYY-TV" streaming, Comcast, FiOS, and other options

WHYY TV Schedule


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Tuesday, November 26, 2024

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Image: Fall Foliage 2024 by Gail K. Kachnycz


By Gail K. Kachnycz on 23 November 2024 

     There is a difference between being thankful, and giving thanks.

     In recent years, cultivating an “attitude of gratitude” has been recognized as a positive thing to do. Research backs this up: Linda A. Baker, a Clinical Therapist, noted the following in Princeton Health News: The practice of gratitude encourages new, positive pathways in the brain. Dopamine and Serotonin are released, two chemicals in the brain that promote feelings of pleasure, happiness, and overall well-being. “Practicing gratitude encourages us to be aware of our automatic thoughts and core beliefs and purposefully reflect on what is good and valuable.”(1)

     Long before gratitude was “a thing,” the Apostle Paul advised the Philippian believers:

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things. As for the things you have learned and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:8-9 NASB 2020

     Science demonstrates the Biblical truth of these verses. Gratitude improves psychological well-being, promotes a better mood, increases self-esteem, and enhances resilience. With these benefits, it is no surprise that relationships improve. There are even physical results such as better sleep and boosted immune function (2).

     It was around Thanksgiving 2018 that the cardiologist Mike was seeing at the time told him that all treatment options had been exhausted, and hospice was recommended. I began the practice of journaling then to provide an outlet for my emotions and to deal with this prognosis. At some point, I began to end each entry with either a written prayer or a list of three things I was thankful for. I figured there had to be at least three things that would come to mind. It was helpful to have a format, so I started with the phrase, “Grateful For: (1)…(2)…(3)”

     However, as I reflected on the upcoming holiday this year, it impressed me that it is “Thanksgiving.” There is a difference between having a general sense of gratitude, and giving thanks. We give something to someone. In the case of Thanksgiving, especially for people of faith, we give thanks to God. For me, this means my journal entry will no longer use the phrase “Grateful For,” but instead, “Thank You, God, For:” Psalm 107 captures the intent and essence of our Thanksgiving holiday:

Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!

Let the redeemed of the LORD say so,

whom he has redeemed from trouble and gathered in from the lands,

from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south. Psalm 107:1-3 ESV

God bless you as you gather and give thanks to the LORD.

1. Reference accessed 11/23/2024: 

2. Reference accessed 11/23/2024:

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RECIPE: Family Tradition

Thursday, November 21, 2024

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Image: Sweetzels Storefront October 2023 by Gail K. Kachnycz

RECIPE: FAMILY TRADITION by Gail K. Kachnycz 21 November 2024

     The recipe I had planned for November was a combination of two seasonal flavors: pumpkin and Spiced Wafers. Delaware Valley natives are familiar with these crispy treats: Sweetzels, and Ivin’s (sold at “the Acme”). Anyone who is not a local says, “Oh, ginger snaps.” They. Are. Not. Spiced Wafers have their own unique flavor, not quite as strong as ginger. A rare commodity, they are both regional and seasonal. Grab them when you can.

     My recipe was a pumpkin cheesecake using Spiced Wafer crumbs for the crust instead of graham cracker crumbs. I first made it last year, and it was a big hit, with repeat requests. Since it had been almost a year since I baked this dessert, I decided to make a practice serving for lunch guests. It was a big flop. The crust was cemented to the bottom of the spring-form pan, and the cake was a bit too soft, especially after scraping it off the brittle crust. So, back to the test kitchen! However, that left me with finding a recipe to post a little in advance of the big Thanksgiving meal next week.

     As I cast about for a replacement, I thought about the special recipes that are brought out for the occasion. The best ones are tried and true, an expected part of the menu. They are often associated with a specific person, such as, “Anna’s Chicken Liver Stuffing.” If you were accorded the honor of receiving the recipe, it was probably hand-written on an index card. If it was from a cookbook, a photocopy could be made, and often there were notes written in the margin: the cook’s special touch.

     This week’s recipe is just such a one: hand-written by my sister, our mother’s Oatmeal Crisp Topping, “for anything that needs a good topping.” This crumb mixture stores well in the fridge, so I make up a batch, use just what I need, and save the rest for later. Whenever I use it, I remember my mom, who was taken home to heaven 25 years ago. As the holidays approach, I encourage you to search through the card file or leaf through the old cookbook. Take the time to make the recipe, and as you do, think about the person who made it special for you.  


Helen's Oatmeal Crisp Topping (for anything that needs a good topping)

1 cup Rolled Oats

1/2 cup Butter

1/2 cup Brown Sugar

1/3 cup Flour 

1-2 teaspoons Cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon Nutmeg

Cut butter into the other ingredients until crumbly. Place on top of anything you want.

Bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees F. Enjoy!

Gail's note: if the item you want to top requires more than 30 minutes to bake, the topping can be sprinkled on for the last 30 minutes to keep it crisp rather than soggy.

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NOVEMBER: National Family Caregivers Month

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

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NOVEMBER: National Family Caregiver Month

By Gail K. Kachnycz on 12 November 2024 

     November is National Family Caregivers Month. I did not know there was such a thing until I started this blog. Those who care for a family member deserve recognition indeed. Many of them are also in the workforce or serving their community or church as well. At this time, I would like to highlight friends who have encouraged me with this blog and website, who are caregivers for members of their family. You have met some of them before. I would also like to salute those of you who subscribe to this blog who care for family members. Some of you have replied by email with encouragement or suggestions, or information about resources. Thank you.

Edith with her husband, Fred. They were featured September 2, 2024

As I described in my post, Edith has been a mentor to me in my journey of caregiving. She is a prayer supporter and encourager to me. In addition to caring for her husband, Fred, she also has an administrative role in our church and is “Gram” to over half a dozen grandchildren.

Donna and her daughter Rebecca. They were featured May 8, 2024

Donna is a wonderful friend and an amazing mother to Rebecca. Donna and I pray weekly, and she has provided information that is helpful to those with family members with special needs. She is also a busy cardiac nurse and in leadership and dance ministry in our church.

Gretchen with her mother, Janet, and her husband, Scott

Gretchen's book was featured October 18, 2024

Gretchen is the author of the book, Come Dance with Me; Devotions for Deeper Intimacy with God. Gretchen is caring for her mother in their home. Gretchen’s mother-in-law also lived with Scott & Gretchen until the Lord called her home in 2023. This couple is an example of honoring parents with love and devotion. Gretchen is an RN, leads dance ministry, and coordinates Operation Christmas Child in our church.

Susan and her "Sweetie Mom"

Susan Reinhardt is an author and has encouraged my writing efforts. She is caring for her mother in their home, while continuing her own writing career.

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Thursday, November 7, 2024

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By Gail K. Kachnycz on 28 October 2024 

     We are indeed privileged in this country to have the opportunity to vote for those who represent us. I hope you exercised that right on election day.

     Whether you are elated or incensed with the results of the election, the officials who have been voted into office have a responsibility to serve all of their constituents, regardless of party affiliation. It is important to have contact information for elected officials, so that you can inform them of your support or concerns about upcoming legislation or other issues. Here is a link to a website that provides the contact information for every elected official in the USA, from the President right through your city mayor and local representatives. It is easy to use simply by entering your address (no name needed). By January 2025, when newly elected officials are sworn in, the website should be complete with all the updated information.

My Reps Website

     Last week, the post highlighted the PA MEDI program, for help during Medicare Open Enrollment (10/15/24-12/7/24). Since Medicare is a federal program, it is important to know that if you are having difficulties with Medicare services, your Federal Congressman/woman is the office that can help you. Your US Representative should have a person designated as the “Medicare Liaison.” You can use the link above to identify your Representative and contact information.

     Let me close with a few verses that address our attitude toward government officials. 

Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Romans 13:1 NKJV 

Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether to the king as supreme, or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men—as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God. Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king. 1 Peter 2:13-17 NKJV 

The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes. Proverbs 21:1 NKJV

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 NKJV 

     As Paul states in 1 Timothy, the ultimate goal is “for all men to be saved and to come the the knowledge of the truth.” God’s purposes in this world cannot be thwarted, regardless of who is wielding earthly authority. With that in mind, I leave you with Paul’s prayer for the church in Ephesus:

Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in that which is to come. Ephesians 1:15-20 NKJV (emphasis added)


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Medicare: PA MEDI Helps Explain Plans

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

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Image: Medicare Collage. Philadelphia Corporation for Aging website accessed 10/25/24

Medicare: PA MEDI Helps Explain Plans

By Gail K. Kachnycz on 25 October 2024 

     If you are caring for someone with chronic illness, you may be dealing with insurance provided by Medicare. This government health insurance is available to those over 65 years, but in some cases may be available to people under 65. For example, my husband Mike was eligible for Medicare after he had been on long-term disability for two years, even though he was younger than 65 years.

     Open Enrollment, that is, the opportunity to change coverage options, is occurring now. From October 15, 2024 through December 7, 2024, changes can be made which will be active starting January 1, 2025. Media advertisements and direct mailings offer a dizzying number of plans. Processing this overwhelming amount of information can be confusing. However, there is help that is not biased or promoting a specific insurance agency or plan.  PA MEDI (Medicare Education and Decision Insight Program) is a statewide service operated by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging through the state’s Area Agencies on Aging. The program offers free, unbiased, confidential counseling regarding Medicare enrollment and selection of plans. An appointment is needed. The ideal time to contact this organization is three months before a person’s 65 th birthday, when they are first eligible for Medicare. Help during Open Enrollment is also available. Another time when the plan can be changed is after a “qualifying event.” Examples include (but are not limited to) getting married, moving to a new area, or experiencing a shift in employment status.

There are two service providers in Philadelphia:

215-456-7600 Einstein Medical Center (now part of the Jefferson system)

215-545-5728 Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of Elders (CARIE)

There is a Helpline for those who do not live in Philadelphia:

1-800-783-7067 PA MEDI Helpline; toll free, call weekdays 8 AM to 5 PM

     More information is available on the website of the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging

PCA Home Page

Select “Services,” “Community & Connection,” then “Medicare Help for Older Philadelphians through PA MEDI” or use the direct link:


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Introducing: Community Connections Collaborative & WikiDelphia

Friday, October 25, 2024

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Image: Community Connections Collaborative (CCC) Home Page Logo; accessed 10/24/24

Introducing: Community Connections Collaborative & WikiDelphia

     Over the past year, I have come to learn that I am not alone as a caregiver. There are others in the community who understand & share my journey, or have supports or information that can help me. One such organization is Community Connections Collaborative (CCC). This organization meets monthly by Zoom, and from time to time in person for networking events. Members represent a wide range of community services, including agencies or services that would be of assistance to caregivers and those with chronic illness. For example, Jean Kirkley, the CEO of Boomers R Heroes, was featured in the post published April 10, 2024.

Here is an excerpt from the Home Page of CCC

Community Connections Collaborative (CCC) is an unincorporated nonprofit association of seasoned leaders and connectors within the Philadelphia Community.   Our motto is Relationships Matter.  Our mission is to facilitate connections and collaboration among individuals, groups, and service providers to improve community health and quality of life.   Our vision is to be a thriving community of information advocates and social service providers increasing access to knowledge, resources and tools that overcome barriers to collaboration and sharing.

This spreadsheet located on their website lists many of the organizations that participate:

CCC Organizations requesting tables at events

WikiDelphia is another link that can be accessed through the CCC website. This website provides contact information for agencies and services in the Philadelphia Area. The link through CCC lists emergency contacts first, which is very helpful. You can check it out here:


Both of these website include a wide range of services. I will plan to feature information specifically helpful to caregivers and those with chronic illness in future posts. 

Image: WikiDelphia Logo, accessed 10/24/24

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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Photo: Dunes and Surf, Ocean City New Jersey October 2024 by Gail K. Kachnycz


By Gail K. Kachnycz 18 October 2024

     Recently, I spent two weeks in Ocean City, New Jersey. The surf and beach were beautiful and refreshing. I enjoyed good company and good food. Long walks were restorative to body, mind and spirit. It was a wonderful time for self-care and renewal. 

     I brought several books with me, since it seems I never have time to read them when the demands of everyday life press in on me. One book was written by a friend at church: Come Dance With Me; Devotions For Deeper Intimacy With God by Gretchen Schwartzman. Gretchen has a practice of waiting quietly before the Lord, and recording the message He impresses on her during that time of meditation. This year, the devotions were compiled into a book and published. Each page contains a few paragraphs and Bible verses that relate to the message. There are several themes, such as:

-God’s love and desire to commune with us.

-God desires to lead us daily; we can learn to recognize His voice and guidance

-God is trustworthy and His support is steadfast

-Seeking God is our first priority

     I came away realizing that God’s grace will sustain me as a care-giver. Starting each day with God is important. It may be something as simple as hitting the snooze button in the morning, but then consciously dedicating the day to the Lord, and praying with thanksgiving as well as covering for the tasks ahead. When the alarm sounds nine minutes later, I begin the activities of the day having placed them in God’s hands.

      Gretchen granted permission to share a sample from the book. Here is page 121, which  really spoke to me as a care-giver: 


     Trust in Me one day at a time. Trust in Me for today, this day that is before you. I will provide everything that you need to get through this day. As you walk side by side with Me, I will enable you to navigate all the complexities of the day with wisdom and discernment, grace and peace. As you face difficult situations or many tasks that need to be done, you can choose whether to respond by feeling anxious and overwhelmed or to keep your hand firmly in Mine, trusting in Me to lead you and guide you. You have the freedom to choose to not let your emotions and you mental state be controlled by your circumstances but instead to trust in Me and allow Me to be in control of all your responses.

     Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

     In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

     When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You.

     In God, whose word I praise, In God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid.

     What can mere man do to me? Psalm 56:3-4 

The book is available online on Amazon and also at Barnes and Noble bookstores.

Link to Amazon

Link to Barnes & Noble

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Recipe: Butternut Mango Medley

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

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Image: Gail K & daughter-in-law Elise with the Butternut Mango Medley; November 2021


This recipe was created for my daughter-in-law, Elise, who loves mangos. Dried mangos and cranberries are combined with fall favorites apples and butternut squash to create this easy side dish.

BUTTERNUT MANGO MEDLEY by Gail Kachnycz 8/20/2021 

Serves: 10-12 half cup servings

Prep Time: 5 months; plant butternut squash seeds in April, harvest in September

     Hands on about 20 minutes; bake 30-45 minutes or use slow cooker (about 4 hours on high?) 


2 cups     Butternut squash, cubed (fresh). If using frozen, cooking time may be longer.

2 cups     Apples, cut up (Mix red apples and green/Granny Smith for eye appeal!)

1 cup      Dried mango. Pull apart into smaller pieces. They will stick to a knife if cut.

1 cup      Dried, sweetened cranberries (Craisins)

1 cup      Apple Cider

Sprinkle Cinnamon: to taste, be generous as this is also a sweetener without sugar. 

Instructions:                                                   Preheat oven to 350 degrees F

Stir to mix the cinnamon into the medley. Add a little water or apple juice/cider to moisten.

Bake, covered, for 30 minutes, then stir to mix & moisten. Check if squash & apples are fork tender. You do not want mushy apples & squash.

If more baking time is needed, check every 10-15 minutes until fork tender.

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Recipe: Green Bean Summer Salad: Italian

Thursday, October 3, 2024

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Image: Green Bean Summer Salad/Italian by Gail K. Kachnycz 15 September 2024


     This salad uses summer's vegetables to create a colorful, cool side dish. It requires marinating in the vinaigrette overnight so it is easy to make ahead. Once again, no mayonnaise so great for sharing at an outdoor event. Enjoy!


By Gail K. Kachnycz 15 September 2024


INGREDIENTS                                                NOTE: Salad must marinade overnight.                            

2 packages frozen cut Green Beans (16 oz size)

2 Red Bell Peppers

1-2 Yellow Summer Squash (may use crook-neck or straight)

            Note: If fresh summer squash is not available, may use corn kernels for yellow element

3 Green Onions

1 Teaspoon Mrs. Dash No-Salt Seasoning (Italian Blend)

   Vegetable or Olive Oil to sautee

   Vinaigrette Dressing to taste (can be bottled commercial dressing, Italian type)


Prepare the Green Beans (allow to be slightly crisp):

Steam the frozen green beans according to package directions. Using pot holders, remove steamer basket or drain beans into colander. Immediately plunge basket or colander into ice water bath to stop cooking process and retain bright green color of the beans. When beans no longer feel hot, remove basket/colander from ice water bath and allow beans to drain. 

Prepare the Peppers and Squash (allow to be slightly crisp): 

While the beans are steaming, core and cut the red bell pepper. Cut the yellow squash into pieces that are similar in size and shape to the pepper pieces. Sautee in oil until tender but not mushy. Salad ingredients should be slightly crisp. Remove from heat and allow to cool. 

Slice the green onions using the white bulb and the bottom portion of the green stems. 

In a large bowl, combine the cooled green beans, peppers, squash, and green onions. Sprinkle the Italian blend seasoning and mix well. Pour the vinaigrette dressing over the vegetables and mix well. Refrigerate overnight. Stir again before serving. 

NOTE: This mixture can be served cold or hot. To serve hot, heat in a pot on the stove or use a microwave safe dish to heat & stir in the microwave until heated through.   

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Happy Bloggy-versary!

Friday, September 27, 2024

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Image: Mike and me at Longwood Gardens September 2023

                                                           HAPPY BLOGGY-VERSARY

By Gail K. Kachnycz 26 September 2024 

     The end of September marks one year since A Map Through The Valley was launched. I would like to thank God for blessing this endeavor and using it to encourage and bless other care-givers and those they support.

     I would especially like to acknowledge my husband, Mike, for being open about the challenges he faces in his journey of chronic illness. He has been brave and generous in allowing me to share our experiences on a public forum.

     Sincere thanks also go to those people who have given of their time to be Beta Readers. Their thoughtful comments result in improvements before the posts are published. I cannot speak highly enough of my blog mentor and tech support, Julie. She makes the website look great and easy to navigate.

     Finally, thank you to all our subscribers. Many of you have responded with comments of how the posts have encouraged you. Some have shared resources or suggestions that have been featured on the website. A few have allowed me to relate your own stories. I have been reminded that many of you are praying for Mike and me, and for the ministry of the blog; thank you so much.

     It took almost three years from the time I first began to write essays until A Map Through The Valley was launched. During this first year going live, I have had a steep learning curve as far as technical information and entering the blogosphere. But, I have learned other lessons as well:

     Mike and I are not alone.

     There is a wonderful group of supporters for us.

     There are resources, support groups, and practical help in the wider community—often initiated by people who saw a need, based on their own experiences.    

     A Map Through The Valley has been active now for one year, but it is not my first effort at blogging. In 2017, I took a road trip with my younger son to Wyoming to see the total eclipse of the sun, and wrote a blog about our trip. Several months afterward, I published a post summarizing the experience titled, “Was It Worth It?” I recently read over that post, and realized that it set the stage for the current blog for care-givers. That trip and blog were important “Because I pushed myself beyond my comfort zone, daring to plan, and pray, and finally believe that this amazing trip could happen.” These same elements resulted in A Map Through The Valley.

     In the coming weeks I will be doing some self-care for refreshment and restoration. During that time, a couple of recipes will be published on the blog. They are very easy ones I developed as a busy care-giver. The butternut squash combination is one of my favorites for this time of fall harvest. You may also enjoy my blog from 2017. Here is the link:


Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21 NKJV  

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Resource: Christian Mental Health Initiative

Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Image: Logo, Christian Mental Health Initiative. Accessed 21 September 2024


     This week we introduce the resource Christian Mental Health Initiative

     Just as Christians are susceptible to physical illness, they are not immune to mental illness. However, they may feel that a Christian should not struggle with mental health issues. Scripture passages such as 

"The joy of the Lord is my strength." Nehemiah 8:10

"I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

seem to indicate that a Christian should not need professional counseling. However, just as a broken leg needs a medical doctor, a broken heart can require the services of a professional counselor. Secular counseling can be helpful, but a Christian appreciates counseling that includes prayer and an approach that recognizes the sinful nature of humans and the power of Christ to overcome sin. Tapping into healing by the Holy Spirit is a limitless source of comfort and strength, but at times personal support is needed to guide someone to the Healer. 

     The Christian Mental Health Initiative addresses many issues. During September, Suicide Prevention Month, these articles have been posted on their website. 


 I hope that this resource will be a benefit to care-givers and those they love as they explore other topics on this website.


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988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Friday, September 13, 2024

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Image: Website Logo; 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline


     September is designated Suicide Prevention Month; September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day. This week highlights 988, the emergency number to connect to help for a mental health crisis.

Access the 988 website here:  988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

     In the summer of 2022, the "988" program was launched in the United States; Canada initiated 988 in 2023. The purpose was to have a simple number to use in a mental health crisis, similar to "911" for a crime, fire, or medical emergency. 988 is easy to remember, rather than a 10 digit hotline. The program also unifies systems for specific populations. For example, after dialing 988, there are menu options to choose Spanish language or military veterans. Washington State has added a selection for Native Americans. Besides phoning, other methods to connect with the service include text and chat. The website offers access to American Sign Language (ASL) services.

     988 is active 24/7 every day. Conversations are confidential. On the website homepage you will see:

     The name of the program, "988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline," expands the scope of the assistance beyond only suicide, and emphasizes a positive path toward hope. The website also provides resources for those who want to support a family member or friend in getting the help they need. 

     Please make a note of this emergency number, and also inform others.  

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Fred and Edith: Extraordinary Story

Monday, September 2, 2024

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Image: Fred & Edith Duling, at home June 2024


By Gail K. Kachnycz 31 August 2024

     “One moment your life is normal, and the next, it’s not.” That is how my friend Edith describes December 6, 2010. On that day, her husband Fred was found unconscious on the floor in the vestibule of the Malta Boat Club. He was alone in the building, stringing Christmas lights, so no one knows exactly what happened. He was discovered by a fellow member of the boat club who had returned to the boathouse to retrieve his jacket. This is just the first of many demonstrations of God’s grace and mercy. Because the foyer was not heated, Fred was exposed to the December chill and his body temperature had plummeted to 86 degrees F. He had sustained multiple facial fractures, but most significant were the injuries to his spine. He was paralyzed below the shoulders and had little movement of his arms and hands.

     After 45 years of marriage, Edith was looking forward to retirement with Fred. She had cared for her elderly mother until her passing. Perhaps now they could travel again. Fred had spent many years in the sport of rowing and had participated in many international events. In 1977 and 1978, he was on the podium, placing 3rd in the 2-man event at the World Championships in Amsterdam and Copenhagen. He earned first place in other events in Canada and the US from 1975 to 2009. He began coaching rowers in 1980 and continued in various coaching capacities through the 2000’s.

     On Thanksgiving 2010, he completed a 5-K run as he had done for decades. Less than two weeks later, he was on the brink of death. Immediately, Fred and Edith were surrounded and supported by family, the rowing community, and their church fellowship. The road to recovery was arduous, but Fred met the challenge. On October 25, 2014, he was back on the Schuylkill River, rowing in a specially adapted 2-man shell. Fred’s supporters created the website, 

which includes Fred’s story of athletic achievement. It also explains the nature of his injury. The website notes, “In order to master life after a spinal cord injury, you need courage, commitment, and a sense of challenge. I think we all know that Fred possesses those qualities.”

     Edith was immediately thrust into the caregiver role again. Not only did she provide Fred’s physical care, but she arranged for adapted equipment such as a motorized wheelchair and wheelchair-accessible van. She became his advocate for individualized medical treatments, since due to his impaired nerve function he often had atypical reactions to medications or subtle symptoms that worsened rapidly.

     When my husband Mike went on long-term disability in 2012, and hospice was recommended in 2018, Edith helped me navigate the caregiver role. She provided a listening ear and shared her experiences. As caregivers, we spoke the same language. When I was just starting to write blog posts for the website A Map Through the Valley, Edith encouraged me, saying, “You put my world into words.”

     Early estimates of how long Fred would survive after the injury were rather open-ended, but usually projected about 18 months to two years. Fred surpassed those time frames by more than a decade, due to the physical and mental training as an elite athlete, but also due to Edith’s expert caregiving. The impact of the prayer support of their church fellowship cannot be measured. This was made quite evident during his hospitalization July 2024. Edith was extremely cautious about protecting Fred from exposure to Covid, but this summer he became infected for the first time with the virus and it progressed to pneumonia. When the request for prayer was made, I must confess that, as a nurse, I did not hold out much hope for recovery. Many people his age had succumbed, even without the complication of spinal cord injury. However, inside his frail body was a world-class athlete. For three weeks, he battled the infection and we prayed. What rejoicing there was when he was discharged for a course of rehab before returning home!

     On September 5, 2024 Fred will be 80 years old. He beat the odds, by the Grace of God. We salute Fred and Edith as they celebrate this milestone. In different ways, they are both coaches, and definitely world-class.

Fred (on the right) with Rick Stehlik, 3rd place finish at World Championship 1977 Amsterdam

Fred (on the left, still a champ!) in his adapted shell, Schuylkill River, Philadelphia PA 2013





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SONG & VIDEO: God Is In This Story

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

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Image: Lyric Video on You Tube; God Is In This Story

     This video was sent to me by a friend who is in one of the prayer circles that pray for Mike. I think he intended it as an encouragement for our long-term challenges, but it arrived at a time when I needed a reminder of God's faithfulness for a specific situation I was experiencing that day. 

May this encourage you today and as you continue your journey of care-giving.

 connect here

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Recipe: Cucumber Blueberry Feta Salad

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

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Image: Wegman Recipe Circular Summer 2024


Shared 8/21/2024 by Gail K. Kachnycz

     Summer is time for many gatherings: Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day. Families often plan reunions during this time as well. My husband Mike decides whether or not to attend an event according to the weather or how he is feeling at the last minute. So, I am often the one who represents our family at the gathering. I look for a dish to bring that is easy to prepare and transport. During the summer, I also want it to be stable in warm weather while it is set out to be served. Cucumber Blueberry Feta Salad fills the bill, and takes advantage of seasonal ingredients. I happen to grown mint on my front porch, so that was an easy addition. I prepare the cucumbers and rinse the blueberries at home, then assemble the salad just before serving. I could not find the dressing specified in the recipe, so just used a vinaigrette I had on hand, and got rave reviews. Enjoy!

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Supporting Decisions

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

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Photo: Pixabay; accessed 7/3/24


By Gail K. Kachnycz on 20 March 2024 

     During chronic illness, so many aspects of life are out of the control of the affected individual. It is important to support the decisions made by your loved one, since that allows control in some areas. Supporting a decision could be as simple as providing choices for the day’s apparel, meal options, or activities. However, things can become more difficult when the choice has a larger impact on life; for example: how to spend money, where to live, or end of life plans. 

     In our situation, it is very important to Mike to manage all aspects of his medical care. He arranges for prescription renewals, refills, and picking up the medications. He makes his own medical appointments. A high priority is selecting medical providers who listen and collaborate in his care. Mike is a medical “zebra,” that is, someone who does not have typical symptoms or respond to the usual medical treatments. He has unusual side effects to medications. He needs doctors who are creative and think outside the box, rather than those who limit interventions only to the standard treatment protocols. 

     Sometimes it is difficult for me, as I watch appointments be delayed because Mike is requesting a 30 minute session instead of the standard 15 minute slot. He would prefer to travel to see a doctor who has left a practice and moved farther from us, rather than just accept another provider at the office nearby. His complicated medical history and atypical reactions to drugs means it is important to him to stay with a provider who knows him, rather than explain everything to someone new. 

     Unless the consequence of the decision is dangerous, try to support decisions of your loved one, even if they are not the choices you would make. Sometimes it means the result will be “good” rather than “best.” However, making his or her own decision is a positive action in itself. It will give a sense of control and acknowledge what is important to your loved one. It can be frustrating, but recognizing the positive effect of making choices helps shift the focus from the immediate situation to the long term benefit. 

     It doesn’t hurt to suggest an option. How the idea is introduced can increase the appeal. For example, using the phrase, “What would you think of [X]?” rather than saying, “Why don’t you do [X]?” which might be interpreted as a challenging statement. Once you ask what they would think of an idea, really listen as they express their thoughts. There may be a reason for their choice that you did not realize. From that point, you can either agree with them, or suggest an alternative. Once again, use non-threatening language such as, “What if we do [X]?” or again, “What would you think of [X]?”

     Sometimes the choice will seem totally illogical to you. Once, Mike hung a mirror on the wall over a stairwell. As a nurse, I had seen the deep slashes caused by broken glass doors and mirrors. I asked him to remove it. He argued with me, showing me how securely the mirror was fastened. I replied that in a house of boys, something could be thrown that would break the mirror, shattering it even if it did not fall. I remained steadfast in my belief that a mirror over a stairwell was just a guillotine waiting to happen. Seeing that he would not convince me otherwise, he removed the mirror, even though he thought my fears were unfounded. Supporting decisions, even when you may not understand the thought behind it, goes a long way in showing your loved one that you respect and value them. Say “yes” whenever you can. 

Bible verses on relationships/communication:

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility consider one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-4 NASB2020 

A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.

The tongue of the wise makes knowledge pleasant, But the mouth of fools spouts foolishness.

A soothing tongue is a tree of life, But perversion in it crushes the spirit.

Proverbs 15:1-2, 4 NASB2020


Children, obey your parents in everything, for this is pleasing to the Lord.

Fathers, do not antagonize your children, so that they will not become discouraged.

Colossians 3: 20-21 NASB2020

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Heroes In Houston

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

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HEROES IN HOUSTON (July 24 is the 55th anniversary of man landing on the moon) 

By Gail K. Kachnycz January 13, 2022 

     As a child growing up, I followed the Apollo Space Program with interest. The timeline of the program, 1961 through 1972, roughly coincided with my school years. I vividly remember myself, as a young first grader, sitting on the floor of the multipurpose room in my school as the whole student body assembled to watch the launch of a manned space rocket. As I grew older, the Apollo program advanced, growing ever closer to the goal of placing a man on the moon.

     I also remember July 24, 1969, waiting not so patiently for Neil Armstrong to step out of the Lunar Module [LM] onto the moon’s surface. In all, there were 17 Apollo missions. The one that impressed me the most was the one that never landed a man on the moon: Apollo 13. 

     The flight of Apollo 13 in 1970 was uneventful until 10:08 PM EST on April 13, when Jack Swigert, and then Jim Lovell, spoke the now famous words, “Houston, we’ve had a problem.” Damaged insulation on wiring in an oxygen tank ignited during a routine stirring of the tank, causing an explosion which emptied the oxygen from that tank. Without sufficient oxygen in the Command Module, the astronauts relocated to the LM to conserve what resources remained. The moon mission was scrubbed and the focus became bringing the astronauts safely back to earth. It seemed that the whole world watched and waited, hoping to see the men return.

     In Houston, Mission Control was working around the clock, tasked with finding solutions to a myriad of problems. The LM was not intended to support three men for four days, and rising carbon dioxide levels could suffocate them. The carbon dioxide scrubbers from the Command Module were incompatible with the scrubbers in the LM, but the ground crew developed a way to adapt and combine the systems, using only materials that were on board the spacecraft. The flight pattern was altered to use the gravity of the moon to provide momentum and “slingshot” the spacecraft back to earth. Careful corrections or “burns” of the rocket engines had to be calculated to position the spacecraft at the proper angle for safe entry through the earth’s atmosphere. Too sharp an angle, and the capsule might burn up. Too shallow, and it might “bounce off,” hurling the spaceship to outer space, beyond hope of returning. 

     At the time, I was a high schooler, and was following all the news reports of the mission. I understood to some degree the grave danger the astronauts were facing. However several weeks before, we had celebrated Easter, the Holy Day which proclaims that the power of death has been overcome. It was the first Easter that I personally trusted the Savior to pay the price for my sins and restore me to my Heavenly Father. I couldn’t believe that Jesus would die to redeem mankind, and then allow three men to careen off into space. God had a purpose for mankind, that purpose was on earth, and He would bring those three astronauts back to earth. I prayed for them with the hope of that conviction. 

     On April 17, 1970, millions watched the televised splashdown of the Apollo 13 capsule. The world breathed a sigh of relief as the three men, fellow humans and brothers to us all, were plucked from the Pacific and brought to safety. The faces of Jim Lovell, Jack Swigert, and Fred Haise were on the front pages of every newspaper. But, I think they would be the first to agree that the ground crew at Mission Control were just as heroic: they faced a situation where failure was not an option, and delivered success. Apollo 13 demonstrated the dedication and determination the ground crew brought to every mission. 

     As a care-giver, recognize that you need a "ground crew," not only for prayer, but for practical help. Share your practical needs with others, and you will find people willing to lend a hand, some occasionally and others who will support you regularly. When Apollo 13 realized they needed help, they reported it immediately and the Ground Crew went into action. 

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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

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Image from "In Their Own Words: How The Americans With Disabilities Act Changed People's Lives." Accessed 7/31/2024

JULY: DISABILITY PRIDE MONTH        By Gail K. Kachnycz on 31 July 2024 

     Some people may not think of themselves as care-givers because they do not provide hands-on care to their loved one. However, being an advocate for someone who needs modifications or special support is just as important as physical care. Often it can be just as demanding or time consuming.

     July has been designated Disability Pride Month, to commemorate the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

“On July 26, 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act banned discrimination based on disability in all parts of public life. People with disabilities could no longer be denied access to jobs, schools and transportation. The law also included private places that are generally open to the public, such as restaurants and movie theaters.” [1]

    A recognizable result of this law is the modification of public sidewalks with curb cuts and ramps to the entry point of buildings. Opportunities for employment and education opened up.

     Other red-letter dates include:

1975: Public Law (PL) 94-142; The Education for All Handicapped Children Act. This guaranteed a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for children with disabilities. In 1990, PL 94-142 was reauthorized by Congress, and the name of the Act was changed to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to use more contemporary and respectful terms. [2]

1984: Halderman v. Pennhurst State School and Hospital. On January 23, 1984, the US Supreme Court decided in favor of Terri Lee Halderman and her family, and ruled that “an institution must be closed based on a constitutional right to community services.”[3] This resulted in dozens of disabled individuals being transferred from living in a large institution in Pennsylvania, to living in small groups in community settings, known as “community living arrangements” with special supports. Since the ruling was from the Supreme Court, individuals in all states were afforded these protections and freedoms.

     In the situations described above, the people who needed to have their rights and freedoms secured required advocates to demand that they be treated with the care, respect and dignity that they deserved. Compassion, patience, and tenacity resulted in legislation and litigation that has benefited those with disabilities nationwide. As Disability Pride Month comes to a close, we salute advocates, both on the public and individual level, who demonstrate the Golden Rule in action. 

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12 KJV

you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD. Leviticus 19:18b NKJV 

[1] In Their Own Words: How The Americans With Disabilities Act Changed People’s Lives, Morning Edition 7/27/2020. Accessed 7/31/2024 

[2] Accessed 3/9/2005 


     Accessed 6/25/2024

[3] Accessed 7/30/2024

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